Post-Traumatic Stress
Law enforcement officers are at much higher risk of experiencing symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress than the general public. They witness horrific events on a daily basis, responding to calls ranging from natural disasters, violent domestic abuse, fatal traffic accidents, and nearly any case involving a child. Due to this exposure, they are increasingly exhibiting behaviors related to post-traumatic stress including flashbacks and nightmares, irritability, isolation, and suicidal thoughts. We support officers facing this with the following programs:


Injured Officers
Every day, law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect our community. They run into danger when civilians run the opposite direction. Over 60,000 law enforcement officers were assaulted with more than 17,000 critical injuries in 2017. Even with insurance, these injuries are costly to officers and their families. Unexpected costs include physical therapy, retrofitting housing to make it accessible, rehabilitation, and even loss of the primary source of income if the officer is unable to return to work. How we try to help:

K-9 Support & Relief
K-9 Officers perform necessary and dangerous tasks that law enforcement protect officers from further risk on the job. They have a wide variety of duties ranging from tracking and apprehending criminals, detecting narcotics and explosives, and finding missing people. These brave animals are extraordinary, but too often lack the funding critical to their program’s existence. Although the initial cost is $20,000 to select and train the K-9, their achievements demonstrate a high return on investment. Our mission is to support them through: